Who We Are

My name is Victor Burge and im ready to fix your mobile, tablet, Gaming console, TV or computer.

[cq_vc_hotspot image="293" icontype="number" position="95%|60%,92%|75%,83%|73%,30%|10%,5%|17%,15%|50%,30%|45%,60%|65%,72%|60%" circlecolor="#ffffff" ispulse="no"][hotspotitem] Headphones Plug [/hotspotitem] [hotspotitem] Charging Port [/hotspotitem] [hotspotitem] Home Button [/hotspotitem] [hotspotitem] Side Buttons [/hotspotitem] [hotspotitem] iSight Camera [/hotspotitem] [hotspotitem] Power Button [/hotspotitem] [hotspotitem] Screen [/hotspotitem] [hotspotitem] Battery [/hotspotitem] [hotspotitem] Won't Turn On [/hotspotitem][/cq_vc_hotspot]

We Can Fix It!

Our prices for iPhone repairs are competitive with anyone in the city. We repair cracked screens for all models of iPhones and repair broken buttons, speakers and cameras as well. Cracked screen on your new iPhone? We fix that.